Air BP, 20, 1960s


Journal of the International Aviation Service of the British Petroleum Company Ltd
Consultant Editor: John W R. Taylor
Designed by Design Partnership Ltd
Printed in England by Printonia Ltd
Process engraving by Harding Gough


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Air BP, 20, 1960s. Designed by Design Partnership Ltd
Air BP, 20, 1960s. Designed by Design Partnership Ltd
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Giovanni began his work with Olivetti in March 1938, and his work was showcased in various exhibitions and had a clear distinctive style that amplified the Olivetti brand image. His design defined the company’s visual image, and the iconic geometric designs are still as powerful and engaging today as they were in the 1950s.

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I have a real passion for collecting Cinderella stamps and other ephemera and love the artistic and historical value of these items. The scarcity of some Cinderella stamps, especially those associated with significant historical events or rare advertising campaigns, makes them highly sought after in the philatelic world.
My lectures and workshops also help bridge the gap between academia and industry. Through my lectures and collecting, I strive to promote design as a ever-changing dynamic industry that has the power to shape and improve the world we live in.

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Magalhães developed over 180 brands and in addition to developing visual identities, he also developed designs for Brazilian notes and coins.