Content includes:
KURT WEIDEMANN Object lesson – a future for letterpress
WILHELM BRETAG Competition between printing processes
ARNOLD HARTMANN Letters with sanserif characteristics
DIETER BREUER Why so many book sizes?
DR. WERNER P. HEYD Interpunctuation VIII (footnotes)
J. A. GEISSL Abbreviations and how to make them in German and other languages, part II
ROLF-DIETER GRONWALD – TTS efficiency today
HEINZ H. SCHMIEDT The complete book factory – part II
PETER KASPER Nomograms to calculate exposure in process photography
A checklist of electric trucks for inter-departmental mechanical handling in the graphic arts factory
ROLF ATE Information assists production
KONRAD TANNERT Running headlines
Practical hints Home-made Astrafoil blocks
Transfer printing for lino cuts
Design procedure
Smearfree sheet delivery
Individually designed advertisements
The small Bauer guide to astrology
Stempel Optima type
BIERING-NUMBERGER: printing for hotels and restaurants
Reproduction inset: Engraved blocks
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