Content includes:
The Person and Works of Takanashi Yutaka / (Dialogue) Takanashi Yutaka + Nagai Kazumasa
DESIGN FOR LIVING From the Good Design Exhibition ’68 / Sakano Nagami
・Kuramata Shiro Spring Stool + Spring Easy Chair (Shima Promotion)
Around the Footbridge On the Occasion of the Footbridge Plan Exhibition / Yanagi Sori, Ikeda Hajime
Series 3: Edo Design / Edo Chiyogami Kusamori Shinichi
Image: Portrait and Myth / Kimura Tsunehisa + Tone Yasunao
Book Review: Moving Space Theory / Izumi Shinya
Trade and Packages / Hata Masao
The Dining Table and Its Surroundings: From Kawakami Kyoichiro’s Solo Exhibition / Naito Masamitsu
Designer Three-Sided Mirror: What Were We Doing 10 Years Ago? / Uno Akira
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