Table of Contents
1962 Nissenbi Exhibition Special Issue For those who aspire to be graphic designers of tomorrow
Nissenbi Award Works
Specially Selected Works
Encouragement Award Works
Selected Works
Looking at the 12th Exhibition from the Judges’ Standpoint
・A true “product poster”… / Kamekura Yusaku
・Judging the 62nd Nissenbi Exhibition / Hayakawa Yoshio
・The sweetness of conspicuous illustrations / Kuriyagawa Kenichi
・Judging from a local perspective / Nishijima Isao
・Energy strikeouts / Tanaka Ikko
・From hands to eyes + brains / Sugiura Kohei
Passion for reality and proposals / Kawazoe Noboru
Roundtable discussion: Around the time of the founding of the Japan Advertising Beauty Association / Yamana Fumio + Kamekura Yusaku + Hara Hiroshi + Itabashi Yoshio
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