Eye, Issue 051, Spring 2004


Big fun with words by Rick Poynor
Do Zembla’s readers need this much graphic cheer-leading? Critique by Rick Poynor
The end of typography: slow death by default – Agenda, Phil Baines
Designing for the partially sighted: misguided guidlines
Alchemy of layout by Abbott Miller
Walter Pamminger champions the potential of design to create content
Gigantic pixels by Catherine Slessor
A new arts centre faces Graz with a bulging low-res screen
Exposure by David Thompson
Two epic photographic books give human endeavour a new perspective
The order of pages
Can graphic design reinvigorate the photographic monograph?
Back into battle by Dan Nadel
Nicholas Blechman’s ’zine is a barbed response to contemporary US politics
Land and liberation by Dana Bartelt
Palestinian artists tell their people’s stories through symbols and allegory
A new kind of story by Steven Heller
An interview with pictorial magazine pioneer Stefan Lorant (1901-97). By Steven Heller
Graphic tourism by Jason Grant, Daoud Sarhandi
Shooting, cropping and editing turns the vernacular into glossy publishing.
Advertising And The Artist


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Eye, Issue 051, Spring 2004
Eye, Issue 051, Spring 2004
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Systematic Surface Design eliminating the hindrance of searching for strategies and starting points, allowing designers to quickly find optimal solutions.
I have long been a fan of Counter-Print, as a student, I would order their newsprint publications, peruse their Flickr albums and now, over a decade later I still buy their latest releases and their site provides our staff with great giftse throughout the year. I interviewed one of the founders, Jon Dowling to find out more about setting up Counter-Print, their favourite books and which publishers inspire them.
Oskar Reiner advertisements for Opel distinguish themselves by clarity and visually appealing conception.

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Yoshio Hayakawa was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1917 and became a leading designer and artist in postwar Japan. His work was a harmonisation of traditional Japanese art with Western art.