Gebrauchsgraphik, 06, 1959


Contents include:
Erich Pfeiffer-Belli – Gene Federico, an American Commercial Graphic Artist
Eberhard Hölscher – Richard Blank – Book-jackets and Advertsing Art
Ingeborg Meinecke – Medical Samples in New Guise – Packages and Prospectuses
Kurt Busse – Old Letterheads from Berlin
Alexandre Alexandre – Pierre-Yves Trémois – Illustrated the ‘Bestiaire d’Amour’
Armin Eichholz – The Best Swiss Posters 1958
Eberhard Hölscher – New Methos of Advertising Corsetry
Eberhard Hölscher – THe Kiel Week. Results of a Poster Contest
Eberhard Hölscher – Papageno, a type of the type-foundry Bauersche Gießerei, Frankfort-on-Main


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Gebrauchsgraphik, 6, 1959
Gebrauchsgraphik, 6, 1959
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Erik Nitsche's notable book series, the New Illustrated Library of Science and Invention comprised twelve volumes and they are a fantastic example of how to design a perfect non-fiction book!

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Giovanni began his work with Olivetti in March 1938, and his work was showcased in various exhibitions and had a clear distinctive style that amplified the Olivetti brand image. His design defined the company’s visual image, and the iconic geometric designs are still as powerful and engaging today as they were in the 1950s.
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