Graficus Revue, 04, November 1971


Content includes:
Redaktionele inleiding
Japan: en grafische studiereis waard
International Comprint 1971
Milieuvervuiling en de bijdrage daarin van de grafische industrie
Vraag en aanbod op de grafische markt
‘Posseegols’, een postzegelprijsvraag
Samen de computer benutten


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Graficus Revue, 04, November 1971. Designed by Paul Mijksenaar
Graficus Revue, 04, November 1971. Designed by Paul Mijksenaar
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Every year the 20 best posters are selected in Germany and once more brought to the attention of the public. We do not publish all the twenty posters today; instead we add some which failed to be distinguished and which nevertheless are distinguished.
Gabriel sent me a link to his amazing Uruguayan Graphic Design Archive when I launched Design Reviewed. The content was so amazing, I ended up spending a good hour looking through the content and it has definitely made it to my bookmarks.

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"Rudy is one of the unsung pioneers of American mid-century modernist graphic design. He had a unique and definitive point of view that was really never celebrated. This may have been attributed to his strict adherence to the formal principles of modernism and the International Typographic Style."