Graphis 01-02, 1944


Content includes:
Max Hunziker’s Zinc Hand Etching (Hans Kasser)
Purposeful Packing (Imre Reiner)
Graphic Art in the Newspaper (Edwin Arnet)
Italian Printers’ Emblems in the 15th and 16th Cent. (Dr. W.J. Meyer)
Humour in the Show-Window
Famous Artists in the Service of Advertising (Container Corporation)
A Swiss Tobacco Firm Advertises its Cigars (Hans Kasser)
Sascha Morgenthaler’s new Dolls and Model Figures (Hans Kasser)


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Graphis 01-02, 1944. Cover design by Max Hunziker
Graphis 01-02, 1944. Cover design by Max Hunziker
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