Graphische Nachrichten, Vol 18, November 1939



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Graphische Nachrichten, Vol 18, November 1939
Graphische Nachrichten, Vol 18, November 1939
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Oldřich Hlavsa worked primarily in publication design and typography and played a major part in Czech graphic design history. He designed over 2000 book covers and published a series of his own books related to typography.
Simon Dixon is the co-founder of DixonBaxi and has been at the forefront of exceptional design from the start of his carreer. This year, DixonBaxi, celebrated twenty years in business, and their team of forty work with clients such as WWE, MAX, Premier League, Channel 4 and Netflix.
An article by Jan Tschichold illustrated with examples of publicity produced by Brann of Zürich.

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Little is known about the designer Günther Heil. he established his graphic studio in Berlin and designed many advertisements for 8mm and 16mm film distributor Bruno Schmidt in the 1960s. These were created in the same era as the film distributor Atlas Films was sending films to art-house theatres and were hiring designers Hans Hillmann, Hans Michel, Günther Kieser, Wolfgang Schmidt and Karl Oskar Blase.