H. N. Werkman, Yale University Press, 2004


‘This generously illustrated book is the first in English to focus on the graphic work and fascinating life of dutch designer and printmaker Hendrik Werkman (1882-1945) best known for his innovative printing techniques and avant-garde typography.’


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H. N. Werkman, Yale University Press, 2004
H. N. Werkman, Yale University Press, 2004
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Banks & Miles, were founded in 1958 by Colin Banks and John Miles and became renowned for their design work with major British institutions and companies. They made significant contributions to type design and corporate identity.
The first American university to accept graphic designers as members of the faculty was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, called M. I. T, for short. The work created by the design group reflects the high level of instruction, the realistic setting of the training and the progressive philosophy of this institute.
In minor printed matter we constantly meet the new typography, but it is relatively rare to find posters designed on the new lines. And yet poster-designing is a field where new typographical methods might be employed with great effect.
Helmut Schmid Typography explores the typographer’s oeuvre in its entirety. The book’s generous design allows each image to breathe, and the accompanying texts narrate Schmid’s life and career in an informative and pleasant manner.