RCA 1968, Projects at the Royal College of Art, 1968


Editorial: Richard Guyatt, Professor of Graphic Design
‘One of the recent projects set by Malcolm Winton to his first-year Graphic Design students was the editing and designing of a booklet which was to cost no more than £50 for two hundred copies. For this exercise he split his class up into groups of four, each team being free to choose its own subject.
One of the groups chose to investigate some of the projects being carried out within the College. They contacted staff and students in virtually every department, persuaded some of them to write articles, and wrote some themselves. They designed the booklet successfully within the budget, having discussed its production with printers, modifying their techniques to meet the estimates.
We felt that the result of their work was good enough to warrant actual publication, but with this caveat: that it does not pretend to be all-embracing and that it does no more than begin to explore those subjects it covers. Even so, it gives a picture of some of the work which is being carried out at the
College, and we hope it will prove to be of more than parochial interest.’


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RCA 1968, Projects at the Royal College of Art, 1968
RCA 1968, Projects at the Royal College of Art, 1968
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