Typographic, 22, August 1983


Content includes:
Designing for the political parties by typographer Dick Negus
Judging a wine by its label by June Fraser
Uncommon Prayer Book by Keith Murgatroy
The Imprimerie Nationale in Paris by Colin Cohen
1983 student assessments by Donald Rooum
Scantext – a designer’s viewpoint
Images for sale by Catherine McDermott
Books as fine art


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Typographic, 22, August 1983
Typographic, 22, August 1983
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Japan's first foreign film venue, Shochikuza Theatre (1923) is an icon of Modernism. Its Art Deco-influenced advertising, showcased in the 1925 Shochikuza News magazine, offers a glimpse into Japans influences from the West.

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One of my standout collected pieces is Erberto Carboni’s Crociere 1937 “Italia” Brochure, created for the Societa di Navigazione’s 1937 cruise schedule.
The versatility of the arrow sign knows no bounds – from thin lines exuding delicacy to thick, heavy-set lines conveying stability and weight. Depending on its construction, the arrow sign can speak with individuality, even possessing psychological and emotional expression.

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Theo Crosby was born in South Africa in 1925 and moved to Britain in the late 1940s. He was a highly skilled designer, architect and sculptor. He became the technical editor of Architectural Design magazine in 1953 and remained in the post for almost a decade. The large format magazines feature an array of content including information on buildings, materials and architectural plans.