Franco Grignani (1908-1999) was one of the twentieth century’s most important Italian graphic designers. He based his studio in Milan and collaborated with Studio Boggeri. His clients included Pirelli, Penguin Books, and Alfieri & Lacroix.
Franco Grignani’s ability to push design boundaries with his clients is a testament to his artistic eye and talent. His work on Bellezza d’Italia remains a fantastic example of how design can elevate and transform pharma goods.
Franco Grignani (1908-1999) was one of the twentieth century’s most important Italian graphic designers. Scanning the inner pages of Gebrauchsgraphik 04, 1962, I have managed to collate a selection of the advertisements created in the 1950s and early 1960s, showcasing his groundbreaking design work.
Each year, leading Dutch artists were commissioned to design the covers and inner pages of Drukkersweekblad en Autolijn. Including designers included Dick Elffers, Willem Sandberg, Jan van Toorn, Wim Crouwel, and Jurriaan Schrofer. The journal documented important design trends and developments in The Netherlands.
This 1,500 word essay is about the life and work of Willem Sandberg and is illustrated with part of my collection of over 100 pieces of Sandberg’s work, including books, Stedelijk Museum catalogues, and various individual printed items.
The stamps for the 1970 editions were designed by Jan Slothouber and William Graatsma in collaboration with the Centre for Cubic Constructions (CCC) in Heerlen. Every stamp displays a different corner point of the same block, highlighting eight distinct corner points, with four chosen for their unique identities.