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Museumjournaal, Serie 14 no4, 1970. Design by Jurriaan Schrofer
Museumjournaal, Serie 15 no4, 1970. Design by Jurriaan Schrofer
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The 1960s was an era characterised by political, social, and cultural shifts. The counterculture movement emerged as a response to the perceived failures of the mainstream establishment, sparking a wave of activism and alternative ideologies. And with these an array of printed matter. Counterculture publications, often referred to as the "underground press," became powerful platforms for dissent, expression, and the exploration of new ideas.
"Rudy is one of the unsung pioneers of American mid-century modernist graphic design. He had a unique and definitive point of view that was really never celebrated. This may have been attributed to his strict adherence to the formal principles of modernism and the International Typographic Style."
I came across two sample books containing printed examples of the work executed by the students in the Composing and Machine Departments of the Polytechnic School of Printing, between 1907 and 1910. I couldn't resist adding these to the archive.

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The collection of works I've gathered, designed for Olympia-Werke, showcases the height of mid-century German commercial artistry. The work was collated in a branded folder and contained forty brochures, advertisements and manuals.