Kuntstharsfabriek Synthese N.V Katwijk Holland, 1950s


Written in English about a synthetic resin factory in the Netherlands


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Kuntstharsfabriek Synthese N.V Katwijk Holland, 1950s. Designed by Dick Elffers
Kuntstharsfabriek Synthese N.V Katwijk Holland, 1950s. Designed by Dick Elffers


Kuntstharsfabriek Synthese N.V Katwijk Holland, 1950s. Deisgn by Dick Elffers
Kuntstharsfabriek Synthese N.V Katwijk Holland, 1950s. Deisgn by Dick Elffers
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Perusing an issue of Der Druckspiegel from 1962, I found these fantastic examples of Swiss Design, produced for the University Ball at the University in St. Gallen, Switzerland, in 1961. The advertising matter included posters, newspaper advertisements, cinema slides, invitation cards and a booklet. 

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Rastorfer transformed the advertising of Volkswagen and his work contrasted with that of the previously commissioned designers. It reiterates the importance of finding a designer who can transform your vision and adverting and how the significance of consistent messaging across advertisements, contributes to the creation of a memorable campaign 
This book shows, for the first time, all of Hans Hillmann’s film posters. Unpublished sketches and drafts from his estate along with commentary from conversations and interviews provide an insight into the creative process of the award-winning designer.
The covers of the periodical ALMANAQUE, which was published in Lisbon, are perfect examples of this pleasure in the unusual and the force of with which all sorts of foreign influences are assimilated.