
Content includes:
F. Vester, ,,Design für eine Umwelt des Überlebens”
J. Grimm, Die Alternative kommen-
Wege zu einem neuen Werbe-Bewußtsein?
H. Bauer, Faules Ei – Verkehrs- orientierung durch Grafik-Design?
Schularbeit: G. Schülke, Ein Verkehrs- erziehungsspiel
Loewy für Shell: Corporate Image
P. Hoppe, Technische Voraussetzungen für eine Projektstudie
Geschäumte Sicherheit – gugelots Sicherheitsauto für BMW
E. Pumpe-Krüger, Möbel-Design: Routine stat Kreativität?
Drei Braun-Preise 1972 –
Sozialgesellschaftliches Design statt Konsumästhetik
Design-Theorie: W. Pohl, Design auf dem Wege zu einer Wissenschaft?
form-Forum: F. Seitz, Gewollt – gedacht – gesagt Anmerkungen zur BDG-Resolution
J. Krumrey, Motivationen für eine andere Verbandspolitik des VDID
Hilfsmittel für die Praxis: H. Klein, Test Copyproof-System
Markt: Produkte, gesehen und notiert


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Form, Internationale Revue 60, 4, 1972
Form, Internationale Revue 60, 4, 1972
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Triest Verlag für Architektur, Design und Typografie are a Swiss independent publisher producing specialist design books in the realms of typography, graphic design and architecture. Their books provide valuable insights and the print production is of exceptional quality. I interviewed the founders, to find out more about their books.
Direction of Travel is a project by Christian Nolle, a half Danish/half German London based artist and map collector. He has spent decades creating work, often in photographic form, that looks at the interplay between aviation, politics and the cities we live in. Christian is also the Founder and Head of Good Caesar, a design and technology studio.

Members Content

As part of their marketing strategy, Kast + Ehinger, commissioned a selection of German designers to produce advertisements aimed at the design industry. I have scanned in quite a lot of their advertising matter, all of which were back-page advertisements from three German design magazines. Der Druckspiegel, Gebrauchsgraphik and Graphik – Werbung + Formgebung.
The book "Modern Man In The Making" (1939), is a fantastic example of Neurath's work. The book uses Isotype's principles with text to illustrate complex societal issues like globalisation and war's impact on economies, prioritising visual recognition through symbols to aid in memorability—a philosophy that remains paramount in design today.