Kerstnummer Drukkersweekblad en Autolijn Kleur en Motief, Colour and Pattern, 1967


Yearbook of the Dutch Graphic industry.


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Kerstnummer Drukkersweekblad en Autolijn Kleur en Motief, Colour and Pattern, 1967. Designed by Dick Elffers
Kerstnummer Drukkersweekblad en Autolijn Kleur en Motief, Colour and Pattern, 1967. Designed by Dick Elffers


Kerstnummer Drukkersweekblad en Autolijn Kleur en Motief, Colour and Pattern, 1967. Designed by Dick Elffers
Kerstnummer Drukkersweekblad en Autolijn Kleur en Motief, Colour and Pattern, 1967. Designed by Dick Elffers


Kerstnummer Drukkersweekblad en Autolijn Kleur en Motief, Colour and Pattern, 1967. Designed by Dick Elffers
Kerstnummer Drukkersweekblad en Autolijn Kleur en Motief, Colour and Pattern, 1967. Designed by Dick Elffers
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IBM puts a premium on functional design, forms and colours which make it far easier for the potential customer to gain an insight. In this respect the IBM methods are exemplary. The IBM already opened studios of artistic and graphic design for its German and Italian offices and a few years ago another such studio was established in Paris. Frank René Testemale was entrusted with its organisation and was appointed its business and art director.

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