
Content includes:
Ausstellungen Wettbewerbe
H. H. Baumann, Rückblick auf Osaka
G. Müller-Krauspe, Hat die Schillersche Stiftung an Attraktivität verloren?
Gespräche, Interviews
Die Bundesbahn fährt ins Design
form sprach mit Bundesbahn-Design-
Direktor Emil Schuh
„DIM”. Creativ Shop für Design ?
5 Fragen an Edwin A. Schricker
Werbung Grafik-Design
B. Mussey, ,,The power of print”
P. v. Kornatzki, Eine Anzeige ist eine Anzeige, ist eine Anzeige
F. Seitz, Zum Berufsbild des Grafik-Designers
Design-Theorien – E. Geyer/B. Bürdek, Design- Management
form-Forum – Th. Hirzel, Verräter an der Sache?
Produkte – Die black box von Braun. Der Computer am Arm
Markt – Produkte, gesehen und notiert


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Form, Internationale Revue 51, 3, 1970. Designed by Karl Heinz Krug
Form, Internationale Revue 51, 3, 1970. Designed by Karl Heinz Krug
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Theo Häussler's commercial art is distinguished by its clear and disciplined form and its distinct advertising message.

Members Content

Publimondial was founded André Roulleaux in 1942 and remained in circulation until 1960. The French journal was published by Art et Publications and was subtitled ‘The Magazine of Graphic Arts and Advertising Technique’.

Members Content

These one-colour forms have a playful but structured aesthetic through their geometric forms, they remind me of the abstract line drawings of Picasso blended with Jan Tschichold and the New Typography.
In the ambitious new monograph Rational Simplicity: Rudolph de Harak, Graphic Designer, Volume shines a light on the complete arc of the exceptionally rich and varied career of Rudolph de Harak, showcasing his vibrant, graphic, formally brilliant work, which blazed a colourful trail through the middle decades of the twentieth century.