Content includes:
Eberhard Hölscher:Jan Lenica. Posters and magazine covers
Franz Hermann Wills: Hans Förtsch / Sigrid von Baumgarten, Berlin. Commercial graphic art
Eberhard Hölscher: An instance of successful team-work.
Advertisements of the Rubber Manu-factory Fulda
Walter Leonhard: Fabulous animals from early publications
Erich Pfeiffer-Belli: Karl Kezer, a Czech draftsman and commercial graphic artist in America
Alexandre Alexandre: Asiatic art in American crystal
Eberhard Hölscher: On IBM advertising
Carl Heussner: The Maestro». Caricatures by Gerard Hoffnung
Hiero Rhode Antiqua», a type of the type foundry Johannes Wagner GmbH., Ingolstadt/Donau
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