Content includes:
Raimund Hrabak: Franco Grignani, Mailand. Pharmaceutical advertising
Anton Sailer: Georgy und Dorothea Stefula.Illustrations
Paul Reilly F.H. K. Henrion, London, Commercial art and exhibition stands
Graphisme publicitaire et stands d’ex position
Ludwig Ebenhöh: Subjective Photography
Eberhard Hölscher: Curious et-signs
Ludwig Ebenhöh: A calendar review 1955/1956
Anton Sailer: Ernst Weil. Pressezeichnungen
Press illustration • Illustrations de presse
Alf. Kayser: ‹El arte en la calle». Argentine shop-windows
< Reiner Black», a type of the type foundry H. Berthold A.-G., Berlin
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