Content includes:
Death and the Statues (Text:Jean Cocteau; Photos: Pierre Jahan)
Paul Rand (Georgine Oeri)
Salvador Dali 1946 (Georges Borgeaud)
Orneore Metelli. The Shoemaker of Terni
Villemot. (W.H. Allner)
The “La Fontaine” of the Later Middle Ages in the Early Prints (Arnold Pfister)
Ashley: Keep Death off the Road
State and Industrial Design in Great Britain (Noel Carrington)
Franciszka Themerson (Charles Rosner)
Fritz Pauli: In Praise of Fresco (Introduction: Wilhelm Sulser)
New Swiss Posters (Georgine Oeri)
Three Centuries of French Bookbinding (Alfred Hoefliger)
Advertising Art in Post-War Italy (Antonio Boggeri)
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