Cover Design: Pino Tovaglia
Contents include:
Pino Tovaglia Shigeru Watano
Special feature: Anton Stankowski
Ikuo Sakurai’s Unique Toys Shigeo Fukuda
The 12th Society of Publication Design Exhibition Shin’ichiro Tora
Art Center College of Design Fumiko Hashimoto, Layout: Takenobu Igatashi
The Portraits Show at the AIGA Shin’ichi Segi
The 20th Anniversary of Push Pin Graphic, Inc.
Kyushu (Japan) Graphic Design Association
The Poster Show 1977 / ADLA Toshifumi Kawahara
Hide Gotoh
Joy Harrison
Unimark International Milano Shigeru Watano
Schechter + Luth Layout: Imatake & Associates Inc
Alvin Schechter Interviewer: Midori Imatake
Special feature: The 1st NAAC Exhibition
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