Image 3, A Quarterly of The Visual Arts , 1949


Content includes:
The drawings of Leonard Rosoman by Michael Middleton
The Santos of New Mexico by Mitchell Wilder
The graphic work of George Stubbs by Basil Taylor
The wood engravings of Ethelbert White by Thomas Balston
Doubt concerning auto- lithography by Peter Floud


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Image 3, A Quarterly of The Visual Arts , 1949
Image 3, A Quarterly of The Visual Arts , 1949
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Each year, leading Dutch artists were commissioned to design the covers and inner pages of Drukkersweekblad en Autolijn. Including designers included Dick Elffers, Willem Sandberg, Jan van Toorn, Wim Crouwel, and Jurriaan Schrofer. The journal documented important design trends and developments in The Netherlands.
A short free-to-access feature on Swiss Design. The movement was influenced by Bauhaus and De Stijl, sought clarity and visual unity, making it a powerful force in global graphic design that remains influential today.
As a champion of graphic design history, I was thrilled to find the upcoming book "Penrose 1964-73: The Herbert Spencer Years," a captivating visual anthology dedicated to honouring Spencer's legacy as a trailblazer in modern typography. Spanning 288 pages, this book commemorates Spencer's influential editorship at the Penrose Annual from 1964 to 1973.
I have long been a fan of Counter-Print, as a student, I would order their newsprint publications, peruse their Flickr albums and now, over a decade later I still buy their latest releases and their site provides our staff with great giftse throughout the year. I interviewed one of the founders, Jon Dowling to find out more about setting up Counter-Print, their favourite books and which publishers inspire them.