Featuring the work of Willi Baumeister, Max Burchartz, Walter Dexel, Cesar Domela, Hans Lestikow, Robert Michel, Paul Shuitema, Kurt Schwitters, Georg Trump, Jan Tschichold, Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart, and Piet Zwart.
Content includes:
Kurt Schwitters: Thesen Uber Typographie
Max Burchartz: Gestaltung Der Reklame
Iwan Tschichold: Elementare Typographie
Max Burchartz: Neuzeitliche Werbung
Willi Baumeister: Neue Typographie
Walter Dexel: Was Ist Neue Typographie?
Kurt Schwitters: Gestaltende Typographie
Kurt Schwitters: Moderne Werbung
Jan Tschichold: Was Ist Und Was Will Die Neue Typografie?
Jan Tschichold was a German typographer, writer, and book designer born in Leipzig in 1902. He believed that design should emulate the dynamism and movement of modern life and held to the idea that design was a force for social change as well as a medium of aesthetic innovation.
Tschichold was influenced by developments in avant-garde circles, in particular the constructivist style from Soviet Russia and the Netherlands. One of his mayor clients was Penguin Books, of whom he redesigned 500 paperback titles.
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Jan Tschichold was a German typographer, writer, and book designer born in Leipzig in 1902. He believed that design should emulate the dynamism and movement of modern life and held to the idea that design was a force for social change as well as a medium of aesthetic innovation.
Tschichold was influenced by developments in avant-garde circles, in particular the constructivist style from Soviet Russia and the Netherlands. One of his mayor clients was Penguin Books, of whom he redesigned 500 paperback titles.