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Fodor 16, 1974 - Rudy Bierman. Designed by Wim Crouwel and Daphne Duijvelshoff (Total Design).
Fodor 16, 1974 – Rudy Bierman. Designed by Wim Crouwel and Daphne Duijvelshoff (Total Design).
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The graphic designer had to create a series of ads whose new publicity effects were to confirm or accentuate the already existing • image • of the paper. In this case, the planning was not based on a would-be psychological analysis of the reading public.
Oskar Reiner advertisements for Opel distinguish themselves by clarity and visually appealing conception.

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The collection of works I've gathered, designed for Olympia-Werke, showcases the height of mid-century German commercial artistry. The work was collated in a branded folder and contained forty brochures, advertisements and manuals.
The covers of the periodical ALMANAQUE, which was published in Lisbon, are perfect examples of this pleasure in the unusual and the force of with which all sorts of foreign influences are assimilated.