Content includes:
Eberhard Hölscher: Walter Breker
Eberhard Hölscher: German exhibition in Munich 1953 for propagating tourism. Outcome of a competition for posters
Eberhard Hölscher: Laterna Graphica
Hans Kuh: J. W. Rozendaal, Holland
Anton Sailer: Prospectuses of Canadian paper-mills
Ludwig Ebenhöh: A venture of the Zurich police
Anton Sailer: Erhard Klepper
Ludwig Ebenhöh: Propaganda of a publishing house
Eberhard Hölscher: Iron and Steel
Plagiatecke Plagiarism
Neue Drucktypen der Schriftgießerei H. Berthold, Berlin
Eberhard Hölscher: The topical page
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