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Gebrauchsgraphik, 5, 1956. Cover design by Muller-Blase.
Gebrauchsgraphik, 5, 1956. Cover design by Muller-Blase.
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In my previous article about the design work produced for Insituto di Tella, I touched upon the artists Juan Carlos Distéfano, Ruben Fontana and Juan Andralis. After further research, I found a suite of other designs they had produced, including exhibition posters, concert programmes and record sleeves.
A new interpretation of the work of Bramante, suggesting an agenda for contemporary architectural practice.

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Katayama worked in several art and design disciplines from graphic design and sculpture to environmental works and sculpture. His design work features rhythms and patterns and has a resemblance to modern jazz and the studies of Josef Albers.

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Forward and a selection of poster designs entered to the Die besten Plakate des Jahres 1963. Featuring the work of Hans Hartmann, Jörg Hamburger, Jost Hochuli, and Armin Hofmann.