Roman Cieślewicz

Opus International, 10-11, 1969



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Opus International, 10-11, 1969. Cover design by Roman Cieslewicz
Opus International, 10-11, 1969. Cover design by Roman Cieslewicz
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The first American university to accept graphic designers as members of the faculty was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, called M. I. T, for short. The work created by the design group reflects the high level of instruction, the realistic setting of the training and the progressive philosophy of this institute.
Support American Bauhaus on Kickstarter to pre-finance the project and its production:
"Rudy is one of the unsung pioneers of American mid-century modernist graphic design. He had a unique and definitive point of view that was really never celebrated. This may have been attributed to his strict adherence to the formal principles of modernism and the International Typographic Style."
The graphic designer had to create a series of ads whose new publicity effects were to confirm or accentuate the already existing • image • of the paper. In this case, the planning was not based on a would-be psychological analysis of the reading public.