
Content includes:
Gregory Vines, Basel: Zur Gestaltung der TM-Umschläge 1978
Jost Hochuli, St.Gallen: Das Schriftmusterbuch der Typotron AG
KITAB Klett-Computerprogramm für die arabische Schrift
B. Winkelmann, Zürich: Textverarbeitung on line: Offset + Buchdruck AG – Satz AG – Offset + Buchdruck AG
Roger Chatelain : Georges Simenon et l’imprimerie
Marcel Probst : Des nouveautés chez Chromos Electronic SA
W. P. Jaspert : Travaux de ville en héliogravure


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Typografische Monatsblätter, 06, 1978. Cover design by Gregory Vines
Typografische Monatsblätter, 06, 1978. Cover design by Gregory Vines
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As part of an ongoing series showcasing Swiss poster designs from the 1950s and 1960s, this article features 1961 poster entries of Die besten Plakate des Jahres (The Best Posters of the Year) 1961. Originating in 1941, Die besten Plakate des Jahres initially served as a platform for the evaluation and showcase of Swiss posters.
The versatility of the arrow sign knows no bounds – from thin lines exuding delicacy to thick, heavy-set lines conveying stability and weight. Depending on its construction, the arrow sign can speak with individuality, even possessing psychological and emotional expression.

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I first came across Kens work in the Unit Edition’s superb monograph, Structure and Substance, published in 2012. Although I had owned a few of the British industrial design magazines, Design, for a few years before, in which Ken had designed numerous covers for.
The first American university to accept graphic designers as members of the faculty was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, called M. I. T, for short. The work created by the design group reflects the high level of instruction, the realistic setting of the training and the progressive philosophy of this institute.