Content includes:
World Rookie Prospects ③ 3 Freshmen / Masaru Katsumi
・Akira Uno
・George Tscherny
・Allan Fleming
Polish movie poster / Masayoshi Iwabuchi
Minato Yokohama / Yuta Takezawa
Printing Design Laboratory ⑧ / Rikiya Miyano, Shigeo Tsuruta
Tadashi Ohashi Works / Masaru Katsumi
Editorial design for McCor magazine / Hiroshi Hara
50 best books
Design Policy of Printing Company de Jong (de jong) / Katsumi Masaki
Graphic Design / グラフィックデザイン, delved into the world of graphic design and visual culture. The magazine featured a broad range of content, including coverage of cutting-edge Japanese design and its history, as well as international graphic design.
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