Content includes:
Feature on Jacques Nathan (France)
Works of Yasuro Urukawa
Works of Natsuo Ishikawa
From 5-men Show of Advertising Design
Works of Graduating College Students
Works of Hiroaki Namura
Package Design by Ladislav Sutnar
Advertising for Aji-no-moto Co.
Four-Color Pages:
Jacques Nathan
Advertising for Shiseido Cosmetic Co.
Advertising for Japan Dunlop Rubber Co.
Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins
Design That Sells by K. Tsukada
Who Determines the Way Advertising Should Go by F. Uekuri
How And When to Use Silence in TV Commercials by Jack Campbell
Free-trial Promotion Zooms Appliance Sales by B. L. Gough
How to Write Copy by T. Miyayama
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