Content includes:
Yanagi sori’s Milan exhibit symbol of good design in Japan
paper-cuts art by Yamamoto takashi
world situation as diagrammatized by Nakagaki nobuo
special feature / for the International Year of Disabled Persons
the competition for UNESCO’s poster / calendar for 1981: International Year of Disabled Persons
Murase shozo attempts—to be seen with Hands?
Oguro saburo’s Assembly Blocks for the Blind
Type Art Contest for Handicapped People
Massimo and Lella Vignelli, New York-husband-wife team from Milan
Third Annual STA / 100 Show in Chicago
8th International Poster Biennale Warsaw
9th Brno International Graphic Design Biennale
global new waves in 80s – Bernard / Zahariants / Kündig / Tsubouchi
prophet of Art Deco-honor of Erté
our cover artists 1959-1980
index from No. 1-No. 79
Japan Graphic Designers Association news
Graphic Design / グラフィックデザイン, delved into the world of graphic design and visual culture. The magazine featured a broad range of content, including coverage of cutting-edge Japanese design and its history, as well as international graphic design.
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